Today I am listening to music from my past. That which I suppose you could say sparked my initial desire to write. I listened to music a lot in my teenage years and would spend hours and hours writing fictional stories about musicians and bands. Stories that were so long they could really almost be novels.
While I spent so much time writing these stories I let my imagination go, and I would tell myself that what I was writing was so unbelievably amazing that surely if the right person read them, he or she would recognize my awesome talent and want to publish me right away.
I still have copies of the stories, too. Every now and then I like to go back and read them. Every time I read something, it is like a movie playing in my head, and usually I don't want to put it down until the "movie" is over. I read these stories I wrote so many years ago, and really I feel like no one should be subjected to having to read them. I feel bad for making my own mother read them.
The point I'm trying to make is that in one sense I want to go back to letting my imagination go like that. I want what I write to be so good that when someone reads it, they see a movie playing in their head and not want to put it down until the movie is over. I've yet to find that inspiration. One day...